Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Light the Torch!

I love the Olympics.  Like luuuuvvvv them.  Summer, Winter, love it all.  Even the sports that never get televised.  I love the athlete bio stories, the competition, the teamwork and patriotism of cheering for one's country.  (The hot men in althletic gear don't hurt either.)  But this year I've been looking forward to the opening ceremonies for a different reason (let's face it, the Ralph Lauren uniform is stupid).  This year I'm competing in the Ravellenic Games 2012.

Ravelry is a website dedicated to lovers of fiber arts, namely knitters, crocheters, spinners, etc.  There are over 2 million members, and it's a great place to find patterns, info on fibers or yarn, and connect with others who have similar interests.  They are hosting the 2012 Ravellenic Games (it used to be the Ravelympics but they got a cease and desist letter from the USOC, don't ask), an event where you pick a project and cast-on at the beginning of the opening ceremonies and try to complete before the end of the closing ceremonies.  There are events for spinners and stash busters and anything else you can think of.  It's kind of awesome. 

Cascade Heritage Silk Paint yarn, 75% merino, 15% tussah silk
As a way to challenge myself I decided to give it a go this year.  I think I'm aiming a little high, but I'm going to try and finish the Ashton Shawlette.  It will be my first time reading a chart, knitting lace, and blocking the piece.  I picked the Ashton because Dee O'Keefe, the designer, has created a very nice tutorial for doing all of these things.  The instructions for reading the charts are very clear, and other people who've knitted this project all have positive things to say about it, and some were able to complete it within a few weeks, which means it can be done.  Maybe not by me, but it is possible.  Feel free to track my progress, offer me encouragement, . . . place bets about whether or not it will get done in time. . .
(sorry my picture is really bad)
Earlier this week I picked my yarn, wound my cake (after taking the yarn from a skein onto the ballwinder, the resulting center-pull ball is called a cake), and packed everything I'd need into a bag.  Now I just need them to light the torch!

Update:  Obviously I wrote this while awaiting the Opening Ceremonies (which were AWESOME!), and I have made some minor progress.  Complete with chart 1, beginning chart 2.
End of Chart 1.  Doesn't look like much yet . . .

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